Upcoming Webinars

PJR 将举办一系列免费的教育网络研讨会在今后几周和几个月。看看将会发生什么下文!



Wednesday, December 16th – ISO 9001:2015: Preparing For A Successful Transition – Newly updated following the successful publication of ISO 9001:2015. (Register)

Another opportunity to see the ISO 9001:2015 webinar live. PJR is hosting a free, educational webinar for organizations to learn about ISO 9001:2015: Preparing For A Successful Transition. Changes and transition practices for the upcoming ISO 9001:2015 standard will be discussed by PJR expert Joe Krolikowski.

Wednesday, December 23rd – ISO 9001:2015 Critical Points of Review During the Transition Audit Process.  (Register)

A deep dive into the new questions that auditors will be asking under ISO 9001:2015 and what PJR’s expectations will be for client responses.

Wednesday, January 13th – ISO 9001:2015 Preparing For A Successful Transition (Register)

PJR is hosting a free, educational webinar for organizations to learn about ISO 9001:2015: Preparing For A Successful Transition. Changes and transition practices for the upcoming ISO 9001:2015 standard will be discussed by PJR expert Joe Krolikowski.

Wednesday, January 27th – ISO 9001:2015 Critical Points of Review During the Transition Audit Process. (Register)

A deep dive into the new questions that auditors will be asking under ISO 9001:2015 and what PJR’s expectations will be for client responses.

Wednesday, February 10th – ISO 9001:2015 Preparing For A Successful Transition (Register)

PJR is hosting a free, educational webinar for organizations to learn about ISO 9001:2015: Preparing For A Successful Transition. Changes and transition practices for the upcoming ISO 9001:2015 standard will be discussed by PJR expert Joe Krolikowski.

Wednesday, February 24th – ISO 9001:2015 Critical Points of Review During the Transition Audit Process. (Register)

A deep dive into the new questions that auditors will be asking under ISO 9001:2015 and what PJR’s expectations will be for client responses.

Wednesday, March 9th – ISO 9001:2015 Preparing For A Successful Transition (Register)

PJR is hosting a free, educational webinar for organizations to learn about ISO 9001:2015: Preparing For A Successful Transition. Changes and transition practices for the upcoming ISO 9001:2015 standard will be discussed by PJR expert Joe Krolikowski.

Wednesday, March 23rd – ISO 9001:2015 Critical Points of Review During the Transition Audit Process. (Register)

A deep dive into the new questions that auditors will be asking under ISO 9001:2015 and what PJR’s expectations will be for client responses.

“Knowing that ISO 9001:2015 isn’t supposed to have a final release until fall of this year, I expected the “Preparing for a Successful Transition” webinar to be filled with expectational fluff. I was pleasantly surprised to actually learn a number of different things that will be of some use to me while maintaining my company’s QMS.

The presentation was well laid out and the presenter reflected a sound knowledge of the topic. I have viewed several PJR webinars and I haven’t been disappointed yet. Even considering they are “free”, I have felt cheated by paying for other webinars that fell way short of expectations.

Keep up the good work!”

Roger Wahl, Quality Manager
TRICOR Systems Inc.